Amber Road

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

just chatting with God

God has been showing me a lot on my walk today. Although reading and memorizing scripture is great and beneficial to your walk, it can also be a hindrance. Ok, let me explain this. I only thought that God had speak to you, only while you pray in the morning. This would eventually be my focus drive activity daily. I would strive to have that set just reading scripture and then out the door and it was something that I could just check off "my things to do list". I don't really get a lot out of it. I tend to think that this was the ONLY way that God can speak to you. It wasn't until my walk today that the Lord change my view on this. He very gentle told me that He can meet me anywhere. I don't need to just talk to him in my morning scripture thing and that's it for the day. It's something more. He wants to speak to us even as we go on about your day. Today, He spoke to me while I was walking my dogs. I was just thinking, praying and thanking him while we walk. Then He said, ever so tenderly, (he is such a gentleman isn't He?) "Why are you making things more difficult for you? Don't you know that I love you so much and will meet with you anywhere? It doesn't HAVE to be just in your morning prayer. I want to talk to you regardless of where it is". God is so good!

Another thing that the Lord showed me was just how much he really cares for me. I was very anxious about starting subbing at this new classroom. Not only anxious about starting subbing, but nervous that I wouldn't find a job here soon (I know it would released a huge financial burden off of DH). I was started to worry that we couldn't make it. Then Lord reminding me of Philp 4:6 . I starting praying about my anxiousness and prayed for his peace. All day, I was at peace. Not only did I have peace, but the Lord explained to me something. He said, "Don't worry about what job you will be in or even what classroom you will be in. My grace is sufficient and I will help you through it". I thanked the Lord. God is so so amazing.

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