Amber Road

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Summer is a time of peace and relaxation. It is a time to stop and smells the roses. It also involves planning vacations and time to have fun in the sun. As you know, summer is drawing near and I'm looking for some ideas as to where we can go on vacation. Maybe you bloggers can help us choose as to where. We would like to go somewhere warm (possibly near a beach), mountains, or somewhere historical. Do you have any idea yet? Do you know what you are planning for the summer? Anything fun?


Rachel said...

Well, you know where Jake and I went! Lol....

As for ideas, mine usually aren't in warmer parts of the us. I like Maine, and Tennessee. The coast of Maine is much like what you see in our pictures from Oregon. And Tennessee has the mountains!

If I was to go anywhere Historical it would probably be either DC or

Well, you know where Jake and I went on vaca! Lol...

My favorite places to go (besides where we just went!) would be like Maine or Tennessee. The coast of Maine is much the same as the pictures we had of the north/west coast. And Tennessee has the mountains.

If I was to go somewhere historical it would probably be DC...but I don't know how much a relaxing vaca that would be because there's so much to do and see there! Lol...

Rachel said...

or...and somehow it didn't finish my comment! lol.

DC is pretty awesome but if you want relaxing that might now be the place to go because there's so much to do! Lol.