Amber Road

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Hey, What happen to those Bill Nye videos?

As I wake up this lovely Saturday morning, I think to myself...What ever happen to Bill Nye the Science Guy? I also was wondering if I could get his VCR/DVD from the local library. So, I started to look for his videos on VCR/DVD. I was so excited to see that they do have a few VCR/DVD of his. Eagerly I clicked the "place a hold" button on the site: However, sadly, the site read that it couldn't place a hold. The closest library that had it was about 55 minutes away. It was too far away to be shipped to where I live. How sad. :( So, I decided to look on Netflix (I mean, they do have everything right?). As I frantly search his name, I found a video. Oh, the joy that fulled my soul; however, I am again sad to report, but this to end up as a disappointment. Netflix does have it, but they are not sure when they are planning on releasing the video. :( Such a sad situation. Do you have any idea bloggers of where we can watch or buy this video?

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